Wordbank is an open database of children’s vocabulary growth, featuring data from contributors around the world

Wordbank archives data from the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (MB-CDI), a family of parent-report questionnaires and enables researchers to browse these data in interactive analyses and access them via the wordbankr R package. 

Explore what we can learn about child language acquisition through Wordbank in the Wordbank Book (MIT Press, 2021). 

We were contracted to upgrade the service from Python2.7 and Django 1.8 to a modern version.  At the same time we needs to add extras languages and results. 

Wordbank contains data from 84,138 children and 94,451 CDI administrations, across 38 languages and 78 instruments providing statistical analysis to researchers across the world.

Example Work

Here is a random example of some of our work.